You're just not with it.
(너는 그저 유행을 모르는 거야)
□ Dialogue
Carla : Have you seen any coverage of Seoul fashion week?
Hatty : Yeah! Some of those designs are really out there!
Carla : Do you think? I really dug Doii Lee's collection.
Hatty : You're crazy! No one in their right mind would be caught in those clothes!
Carla : You're just not with it. That stuff is really in.
□ Dialogue 해석
Carla : 너 서울 패션 위크에 대해서 들어봤니?
Hatty : 응! 몇몇의 디자인은 엄청 특이하더라!
Carla : 그렇게 생각하니? 나는 Doii Lee의 옷들이 너무 좋았는데.
Hatty : 너 정신 나갔니? 제정신인 사람들은 그런 옷에 대해 관심을 갖지 않아.
Carla : 너는 그저 유행을 모르는 거야. 그 옷들이 얼마나 유행인데.
□ 표현 학습
1. To be out there : Non-conformist and individualistic in the
extreme. 극도로 특이한
2. To dig something : To really like something. To be into
something. 매우 좋아하다
예시) I really dig that new song. Past tense is 'dug'.
3. To be in your right mind : To act in a sane and sensible
manner. 제정신인
4. To be with it : To be up to date with the current trends and
fashions. 유행을 알다
5. To be really in : If something is 'in' then it is very popular at
the current moment. 유행하다, 정말로 속하다
